Empower Skills | Certificate IV in Sport Coaching
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Certificate IV in Sport Coaching

SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching


This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply the skills and knowledge to pursue a career as a coach. Likely functions for someone with this qualification include observing the performance of athletes to determine the required level of instruction, and planning, conducting and evaluating individualised and team training programs. Those with this qualification would supervise training and provide in competition assistance to athletes including supporting their psychological preparation and conducting post competition analysis of both performance and strategy. They would also be responsible for athlete support needs in conjunction with other personnel. Those with this qualification may also be responsible for the output of others and undertake broader business functions including long and short term planning.

Job roles

The following is an indicative job role for this qualification.

  • coach.

Pathways Information

This qualification is suitable for an Australian Apprenticeship pathway.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislation, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this qualification of the endorsement.

Entry Requirements

Entry to SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching is open to those who hold current first aid and CPR certification AND National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) registration in a chosen sport.

Employability Skills Summary

The following table contains a summary of the employability skills required by the sport industry for this qualification. The employability skills facets described here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on qualification packaging options.

Employability skill Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include:

Communication Communicating with athletes to determine their specific needs; liaising with volunteers and support staff; preparing accurate training and performance records or reports on competition outcomes; clarifying instructions to athletes related to drugs in sport; documenting individualised and team training programs.

Teamwork Providing leadership to support personnel; monitoring progress and providing assistance where necessary to athletes to maintain team harmony; collaborating with officials and sport personnel to achieve agreed goals; promoting compliance with legal obligations; supporting athletes to adopt principles of sports psychology; acknowledging accountability to sport management and officials.

Problem Solving Identifying and mitigating hazards and risks related to sport coaching; post competition analysis of performance and strategy to identify areas for improvement; dealing with athlete injury or illness; planning, strategy and resource allocation to design and deliver training and recovery programs; modifying training programs to accommodate unforeseen situations.

Initiative and enterprise Identifying and discussing a range of activity or program enhancements to improve performance; engaging colleagues in sharing work-place knowledge; adjusting coaching techniques to differences in each athlete’s individual circumstances; reflecting on own coaching practices for improvement; monitoring activities and programs for emerging risks.

Planning and organisation Collecting, analysing and recording information to provide efficient planning for sport coaching; setting work priorities and scheduling training activities to meet competition targets and deadlines; implementing selection policies; developing nutritional strategies to meet athlete needs; implementing and monitoring work health and safety policies.

Self-management Understanding and complying with the legal and ethical responsibilities that apply to own role within sports coaching and operating within limits of authority; critically reviewing own strengths and weaknesses; actively seeking and reflecting on feedback on own performance; building sport coaching networks to regularly update knowledge and skills.

Learning Identifying and accessing sources of research on sport coaching and performance enhancement; contributing to a learning environment through openly sharing knowledge and experiences; accessing internal and external professional development opportunities; updating knowledge and skills to accommodate changes in sport coaching.

Technology Understanding and utilising the operating capability of computer systems and software for athlete development; using information technology to assist in communication and support management and planning functions.

Packaging Rules

22 units must be completed:

  • 15 core units
  • 7 elective units, consisting of:
  • all the units in any one of Groups A to K
  • the remaining to make up the required 7 elective units from General electives; up to 3 of  these remaining units may be selected from SIS10, or any current accredited course or other Training Package, and must be first packaged at AQF level 4.

In all cases selection of electives must be guided by the job outcome sought, local industry requirements and the characteristics of this qualification (as per the AQF descriptors).

Core units

BSBRSK401A Identify risk and apply risk management processes

BSBWOR404B Develop work priorities

SISSSCO303 Plan and deliver coaching programs

SISSSCO304 Customise coaching for athletes with specific needs

SISSSCO306 Provide drugs in sport information

SISSSCO307 Provide nutrition information to athletes

SISSSCO308 Support athletes to adopt principles of sport psychology

SISSSCO409 Work collaboratively with support personnel

SISXCCS402A Coordinate client service activities

SISXCCS404A Address client needs

SISXIND405A Conduct projects

SISXIND408 Select and use technology for sport, fitness and recreation

SISXIND410 Coordinate sport, fitness or recreation work teams or groups

SISXWHS402 Implement and monitor work health and safety policies

SITXCOM401 Manage conflict

Electives (7)

Group A – AFL

SISSAFL406A Teach the intermediate skills of Australian Football

SISSAFL407A Teach the intermediate tactics of Australian Football

Group B – Competitive Canoeing

SISSCNO406A Teach the advanced skills and tactics of flat water canoeing

SISSCNO407A Teach the advanced skills and tactics of slalom canoeing

Group C – Cricket

SISSCKT408A Teach the advanced skills of cricket

SISSCKT409A Teach the advanced tactics and strategies of cricket

Group D – Equestrian

AHCHBR306A Prevent and treat equine injury and disease

SISOEQO408A Determine nutritional requirements for horses

SISOEQO409A Train and condition horses

SISSEQS302A Demonstrate basic dressage and show horse skills

SISSEQS404A Teach the intermediate skills of riding on the flat

SISSEQS405A Teach the intermediate skills of riding over fences

Group E – Netball

SISSNTB407A Teach intermediate level netball skills

SISSNTB408A Teach intermediate level netball tactics and game strategy

SISSSTC402A Develop strength and conditioning programs

Group F – Rugby League

SISSRGL409A Teach advanced level Rugby League game skills

SISSRGL410A Teach advanced level Rugby League tactics and game strategy

Group G – Surfing

SISOSRF202A Demonstrate basic surfing manoeuvres in controlled conditions

SISOSRF303A Perform intermediate level surfing manoeuvres

SISOSRF406A Perform advanced level surfing manoeuvres

SISOSRF407A Perform rescues in moderate to difficult surf conditions

SISOSRF410A Instruct advanced surfing skills

Group H – Surf Life Saving

SISSSUR405A Teach the advanced skills of surf life saving

SISSSUR406A Officiate advanced level surf life saving competitions

Group I – Swimming

SISSSWM302A Plan a program for a competitive swimmer

Group J – Tennis

SISSTNS205 Interpret and apply the rules and regulations of tennis

SISSTNS307 Coach red stage tennis players

SISSTNS308 Coach orange stage tennis players

SISSTNS309 Coach green stage tennis players

SISSTNS410 Coach stroke production for intermediate tennis players

SISSTNS411 Coach tactics for intermediate tennis players

Group K – Volleyball

SISSVOL403A Teach the advanced skills of volleyball

SISSVOL404A Teach the advanced tactics and strategies of volleyball

General elective units

AHCHBR306A Prevent and treat equine injury and disease

BSBGOV401 Implement Board member responsibilities

BSBGOV403 Analyse financial reports and budgets

BSBLDR403 Lead team effectiveness

ICTICT203 Operate application software packages

SISCCRD302A Recruit and manage volunteers

SISFFIT305A Apply anatomy and physiology principles in a fitness context

SISOEQO409A Train and condition horses

SISOSRF202A Demonstrate basic surfing manoeuvres in controlled conditions

SISOSRF303A Perform intermediate level surfing manoeuvres

SISOSRF305A Guide surfing sessions

SISOSRF408A Guide surfing trips

SISOYSB403A Sail a small boat in moderate and variable conditions

SISSAFL406A Teach the intermediate skills of Australian Football

SISSAFL407A Teach the intermediate tactics of Australian Football

SISSCKT408A Teach the advanced skills of cricket

SISSCKT409A Teach the advanced tactics and strategies of cricket

SISSCNO406A Teach the advanced skills and tactics of flat water canoeing

SISSCNO407A Teach the advanced skills and tactics of slalom canoeing

SISSEQS301A Demonstrate basic dressage, show jumping and cross-country riding

SISSEQS404A Teach the intermediate skills of riding on the flat

SISSEQS405A Teach the intermediate skills of riding over fences

SISSMAR402A Teach the advanced skills of martial arts

SISSNTB407A Teach intermediate level netball skills

SISSNTB408A Teach intermediate level netball tactics and game strategy

SISSRGU410A Officiate advanced level Rugby Union

SISSSAI402A Teach the advanced tactics and strategies of sailing

SISSSCO410 Implement a talent identification program

SISSSCO513 Plan and implement high performance training and recovery programs

SISSSOF101 Develop and update officiating knowledge

SISSSOF202 Officiate games or competitions

SISSSOF203 Judge competitive situations

SISSSOF305 Officiate in a high performance environment

SISSSOF306 Apply self-management to enhance high performance officiating

SISSSPA301A Coordinate regional touring athletes

SISSSPA402A Coordinate international touring athletes

SISSSPA403A Administer a team or group

SISSSPA404A Implement accreditation and registration systems

SISSSPT302A Provide initial management of sports injuries

SISSSPT303A Conduct basic warm-up and cool-down programs

SISSSPT304A Tape ankle, thumb and fingers

SISSSPT305A Support sports injury management

SISSSPT306A Deal with medical conditions in a sport setting

SISSSTC301A Instruct strength and conditioning techniques

SISSSTC402A Develop strength and conditioning programs

SISSSUR405A Teach the advanced skills of surf life saving

SISSSWM302A Plan a program for a competitive swimmer

SISSSWM303A Teach the advanced skills of competitive swimming

SISSVOL404A Teach the advanced tactics and strategies of volleyball

SISXCAI305A Conduct individualised long-term training programs

SISXCAI306A Facilitate groups

SISXEMR402A Coordinate emergency responses

SISXFAC303A Implement facility maintenance programs

SISXIND402 Analyse legal knowledge for organisation governance

SISXIND403A Analyse participation patterns

SISXIND409 Organise a sport, fitness and recreation event

SITXHRM402 Lead and manage people

TAEDEL404A Mentor in the workplace